Sunday, May 18, 2008

Services currently not available

That is what's happening to our Astro. It's not raining or windy outside. I don't know. Guess its possessed or somthing. Blah!
Anyhoots, HELLO beautiful people =) Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been a busy bunny lately. Well, not quite. I'm either too tired or too lazy *haha*
Here's what's been happening so far. I'm in my 11th week now *yeays* So that's about 30 more weeks to go *insyallah* Pray for my baby's health and I. The first check up I went to my blood pressure was 150/20. Not so good =/ I got admitted to RIPAS but alhamdullillah my BP went down to 117 in the evening. If it hadn't then I might've stayed in the hospital for a night.
Hubby's still away =( He was here this morning but he went back around 4. Well, 2 more weeks and he'll be back for good =) All I have to do now is just be patient and eat *hehe*
Speaking of eat, I'm hungry. Think I'll go have dinner now =)