Friday, February 15, 2008

Dim Sum, Amazing Race & Hubby's 28th

As yesterday was the day of love *haha* Myself and the hubby decided to go out for dinner. Went to Foodzone cause he was craving for Dim Sum, and I thought only us girls have cravings *hehe* Met up with Abg No.2 and Sister in Law no.2 . I ate so much I think my stomach almost burst. Yes, I like to exagerate myself *haha*
Came back around 9ish, cause mama from KB was coming over. Because only myself and the hubby were at home we didn't have anything much to do and because no one was hogging the remote we ended up watching the finale of The Amazing Race Asia season 2. Collin and Adrian, the teams from Singapore, won the race and I think I cried a bit. I cry everytime I watch any Amazing race finale *haha* you can read more here

Happy 28th Birthday Sayang..I love you loads and loads and loads *muahhh*

Later people..Til then, Relax, Lay Back & Breathe....

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Rainy Valentine

Happy Valentines Day =)
Three more days and I'll be back at the office. Something I'm not quite looking forward to. I'ved enjoyed my holidays a lot I'm thinking of just being a housewife. But then again maybe not *hehe*
Himself started work today which is why I'm up and early. Have to prepare his breakfast bah *hehe* I ended up having 2 cups of coffee, which is why I didn't go back to sleep. I'm WIDE awake now.
Anyhoots, I'm trying to be good blogger this year :) Well, I'll try. That certain someone (NYUT) *hehe* has been nagging me to update my blog. For you my dear sir, I will *hehe*
Let's see, I'm not quite sure where the mister is going to bring me tonight but I've a feeling we'll just stay at home and watch tv. Speaking of the mister, tomorrow's his birthday and I still don't know what to get him. Hmm...I'll think about that later,cause right now I wanna go take my shower ;)
So sit back, relax and breathe, oh! and HAPPY VALENTINES' DAY
xoxo, Mr & Mrs Bunny

Pictures From Our Wedding (3rd February 2008)
I'll upload more pictures later.... ;)