Sunday, June 8, 2008


Hey hey! Happy Sunday everyone :) Guess it has been a while since I've last posted. Well, so much has happened.

Hubby's back *yeays* I'm just glad I've manage to not be with him for a month. And now that's he's back well, I've been getting more and more "manja" than I was before. I don't know.It's probably baby who's doing all this *haha* One month not having daddy around, you do the math.

Ok so my 2nd ante-natal visit was last Tuesday (3rd June) and just like my 1st visit, my blood pressure was high. 153/90. Not good :/ Its either the food that I've been consuming, the lack of sleep, the stress or my flu. I don't know which one of these "villains" are making my BP high. Its just too stressful to think about it so I'm not going to think too much :p

Anyhoots, because of my high BP, I had to be admitted to RIPAS, just for the day, until my BP was low enough for me to go home. So I was in RIPAS for almost half the day. Was out around 4ish. Felt so relief.

Next day, I decided to take my M.C cause I thought, I'd just rest the whole day. I didn't sleep well the night before because of my flu and terrible cough. And because I had to go to my clinic to make an appointment for next week. Little did I know that the nurse was going to check my BP again. Yup..It was UP! And they told me to go to RIPAS. AGAIN! I don't know. Every time I go to my clinic, my BP gets high. Then when I'm in RIPAS, my BP's low. I think I get nervous or something. So I don't know.

I wasn't lucky this time tho cause the doctor told the nurse not to let me go home until my BP was low. I had to spend one night in RIPAS and I didn't enjoyed it one bit. Was glad it was only one night tho. I was out on Thursday morning.

Everyone's been telling me to watch what I eat. That's what I've been doing this past few days. I hope I'll be 100% fit for work tomorrow. I've been recuperating for the past 2 and half days. That's enough rest I guess.

So today, I've got loads to do. I've to tidy my room *hehe* I've been wanting to do it but laziness kicked in *haha*

Hubby's golfing now so I think I SHOULD start cleaning my room *hehe*

Have a Happy Sunday everyoneeee =)